40 Days and 40 Nights.

Spirituality is very important to me.

I’m not easy to identify, one others would definitely evaluate, question then still wonder – who is she? What religion does she subscribe to?

An eclectic mix of all may answer your question – a baptized Catholic who practices a bit of Buddhism, participates in the Hava Nagila, believes in Confucian principles as a recipe for living and analyzes the Bible, born again  every day.

Yet no matter what I think or feel, I could never find a valid reason (or desire) to formally lose my religion – who is singing R.E.M.  right now, my 80s pals?

I’ve experienced other religions and attended their services which taught me that there is value in all of them.

Continue reading “40 Days and 40 Nights.”

Paying for the sins of Putin.

I’m working on a project that our team was translating to Russian. I’m in a healthcare related industry, but prohibited from sharing details.

In brief, we will not translate a promotional video that educates consumers on a potential treatment option. We have the English speaking version, our native language, but Russian translation was halted – though we will translate to other languages.

I can’t help but feel conflicted.

Continue reading “Paying for the sins of Putin.”

Where are our priorities?

As I woke to greet another day, my foggy mind reflected immediately upon how fortunate we are.

No bombs. No gun shots. No buildings burning to the ground. No immediate fear for our lives, wondering where we will go or most importantly – will we live to have another moment.

Continue reading “Where are our priorities?”

Put the ‘live’ in the moment.

Are you the type of person who engages with those around you – or simply goes through the motions of life, shielding yourself from any potential interaction each day?

Would you recognize the coffee kid who serves you in the morning at your drive-thru of choice?  Would you acknowledge the waitress from your favorite haunt if passing by her on the street?  How about your friendly Lowe’s clerk from Aisle 16, the one who shares a friendly smile as you pretend to be reading a label until he walks on by?  Continue reading “Put the ‘live’ in the moment.”

Seasons of the heart.

Letting go of a relationship and the person you love ranks up there with one of the most difficult things to do in life.

What’s even more difficult is letting go when a relationship isn’t blatantly bad – but not enough.

If one person yearns in a way the other cannot fulfill, there will be an unrelenting longing and chronic emptiness.

Continue reading “Seasons of the heart.”

Where true love begins.

Sometimes we grapple with something we’re not sure about. For many of us, grappling may very well be a way of life.

It may involve a person, a relationship, a job, a habit or a situation. It eats away at us, consumes us and borders close to obsession.

Making a decision is hard – but owning it after the fact rarely is. We can choose to dwell or move on, even if the path forward isn’t paved and filled with potholes. Continue reading “Where true love begins.”

When is the best time to start something?

We all have goals that we want to achieve, whether it is breaking old, negative patterns or implementing new, positive habits to our daily lives.

How often do we hear ourselves or others proclaim on the weekend, “I’ll start on Monday,” or “I’ll start on the first of the month.” Continue reading “When is the best time to start something?”

Are you sweating the small stuff?

Sometimes – and, often – things don’t go as planned. 

Best laid plans. Sincere intentions. A schedule that somehow falls apart.

Leave early to arrive late. Pack efficiently only to forget something. Clean your house then lose an item that may never be found again. 

Yet when we take a moment to think about our reaction, or overreaction, to these changes in circumstances, it’s really not so earth shattering after all.

Continue reading “Are you sweating the small stuff?”

Are you sweating the small stuff?

Sometimes – and, often – things don’t go as planned.

Best laid plans. Sincere intentions. A schedule that somehow falls apart.

Leave early to arrive late. Pack efficiently only to forget something. Clean your house then lose an item that may never be found again.

Yet when we take a moment to think about our reaction, or overreaction, to these changes in circumstances, it’s really not so earth shattering after all.

Continue reading “Are you sweating the small stuff?”

Today’s point to ponder.

I’m stuck on that song that I wrote about last night. Not the song itself, but the message: Be quiet. Big boys don’t cry.  

What would life be like if we were not taught to suppress our feelings? What would life be like if were not made to feel bad about ourselves?

“You’re fat. You’re dumb. You’re too sensitive. You’re cold.”

“Stand up straight. Be a lady. Boys don’t play with dolls.”

When these things are said to children, we grow up with someone else’s vision of who we should be – or who they expect us to be.

Most of the time, adults have our best interests in mind. But sometimes not.

Sometimes it’s a projection rooted in something that happened to them.

When we speak to others, we need to think twice before we risk doing some emotional damage.

There is much to say – or write – on this subject, but for now, let’s just leave it as a point to ponder for today.

How did what you were told and taught in childhood shape who you are today?