Are you sweating the small stuff?

Sometimes – and, often – things don’t go as planned. 

Best laid plans. Sincere intentions. A schedule that somehow falls apart.

Leave early to arrive late. Pack efficiently only to forget something. Clean your house then lose an item that may never be found again. 

Yet when we take a moment to think about our reaction, or overreaction, to these changes in circumstances, it’s really not so earth shattering after all.

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Are you sweating the small stuff?

Sometimes – and, often – things don’t go as planned.

Best laid plans. Sincere intentions. A schedule that somehow falls apart.

Leave early to arrive late. Pack efficiently only to forget something. Clean your house then lose an item that may never be found again.

Yet when we take a moment to think about our reaction, or overreaction, to these changes in circumstances, it’s really not so earth shattering after all.

Continue reading “Are you sweating the small stuff?”