Wake-up America.

Recently I was in a room filled with approximately 100 heroes – veterans from WWII, as well as the Korean and Vietnam wars.

I sat with a 94-year-old US Army veteran and his family, for the second year, and found myself emotionally fraught, saddened because there are so few of the Greatest Generation who remain among us.

I had the honor of assisting a 103-year-old WWII nurse, a WAVE, who I had the pleasure of meeting in 2016 on an Honor Flight. She is sharp as a tack, as lovely as lovely can be, and a joy to all who know her.

And I had the pleasure of giving ‘dancing’ Ernie, another WWII US Navy hero who turned 100 in February, a great big kiss on his cheek. He hasn’t changed since we met, but sadly dancing is a thing of the past. But how could he cut a rug – and I had the pleasure of watching him bust many a move.

For these folks, nothing is more cherished than family, faith, and freedom – the freedom they fought for that many in our society are destroying day by day. The families they raised, many a child unplanned, but never aborted. And the power of prayer, a faith so deep nothing could rattle it, despite any hardships and adversity.

So tell me …

When did it become offensive to believe in the traditional family – a man and husband, a woman and wife, who possibly raise 2.5 children? Wake-up America.

When did prayer become uncomfortable? Why would we forbid someone from praying in public, yet find it acceptable to defend terrorists while inferring that faith motivated people are the narrow-minded and hateful ones? Wake-up America.

And freedom – why would any of us allow it to be taken away, the freedom our veterans fought for, and continue to fight for today? Wake-up America.

On that day, I stood for the National Anthem with a hand placed over my heart.

On that day, I bowed my head in prayer, and asked my God to protect and help everyone – no matter what religion, faith, or spirituality another subscribes to.

On that day, I reaffirmed my commitment to defending our freedom, celebrating our faith, and putting my family first above all else.

What seemed to be a slow, insidious destruction of our country has picked-up speed and accelerated so quickly that I fear we won’t stop it – and please note I said ‘won’t,’ not ‘can’t.’

I am proud to be an American and I am grateful to our veterans – our heroes. Those who served, those who serve today, and those who will in the future. I back the blue. I stand for the National Anthem. I kneel to pray. I am grateful to live in a country that allows us to debate, disagree, and express our freedom of speech.

But good Lord – it’s gone too far. Let us come together and be proud to proclaim family, faith, and freedom – let us be proud to be Americans.

“If not us – who? And if not now – when?” – J.F.K.

You can pray for a better today, a safer tomorrow, and hope to preserve the values our country was founded on – or you can act by getting involved, educating others, and leading by example.

That’s the only chance we have to wake-up America.



United we stand. Divided we fall.

If my memory serves me well, which sometimes isn’t the case these days, I crafted either a blog post or an article with this same title. It was about politics, I believe, while this post is simply about approaching our daily interactions thoughtfully and respectfully.

Yet what proves true is that this title is a timeless and multidimensional statement.

There are countless topics that divide us in today’s world – religion, politics, sex and gender, to name just a few. Add on illegal immigration, crime, and climate change then we create an even more robust stage of controversy. Frankly, people argue about the weather, take pride in treating people rudely, and find it humorous when they belittle others for peer appreciation that must be fueling some ridiculously low sense of self-esteem – or overinflated ego.

Continue reading “United we stand. Divided we fall.”

The blessing and burden of digital advancements.

The alarm clock rings. You simultaneously wipe the sleep from your eyes, yawn loudly, and perform an exaggerated stretch in all directions. Time to start your day.

As you flip through the files in your brain, you determine which day it is then conduct a mental inventory of your responsibilities and goals for the next 17 or so hours.

Ping. Ding. Buzz. Ping. Ding. Buzz. Ping. Ding. Buzz.

Continue reading “The blessing and burden of digital advancements.”

The Poison of Partisan Politics.

No matter what political party you affiliate with, it should never stand in the way of you being a decent human being.

We can all have our opinions, beliefs, and perspectives. We can be pro-something or anti-anything, yet agree to disagree.

Continue reading “The Poison of Partisan Politics.”

People can be such a disappointment.

What a dour title for this post – yet it’s true and a reality we all face. People can be such a disappointment.

I’m elated with age and how it liberates us in many ways. The things we thought were important when we were young, aren’t. The insecurities we allowed to handicap us, dissipate. The time spent on worrying about things that really didn’t matter, stops. Continue reading “People can be such a disappointment.”

Make tomorrow, today.

There was a man who waited his entire life to take a trip out west. He’d dreamed of traveling across the plains on horseback and hiking the mountains with sightings of wildlife all around him. He had the money. He had vacation time saved up. He just hadn’t made the time to plan and schedule his trip. Then he died.

Continue reading “Make tomorrow, today.”

Know when to say. Know when to walk away. Quitting can be a good thing.

My daily calendar has some good advice today. I tho know how many people stick with things, forcing themselves to do stuff that just doesn’t align with their core being – whether it be disjointed from their strengths, morals, values, beliefs or ultimate goals.

Yet they do it, every day, miserably.

As the saying goes: there’s a difference between quitting and knowing when to walk away.

What are you doing that’s not bringing value to your life or asking away from your goals?

Point to ponder for this Wednesday.

Oh, I love a rainy night.

And I’m not talking about the song by Eddie Rabbit, though I do love that, too, and it brings back fond memories of someone who was once very dear to me.

I am talking about truly loving a rainy night, along with a rainy morning and rainy day – especially in the fall, when cool temperatures arrive and the kettle is on the boil, possibly with some whiskey in the tea.

Maybe I am a product of my ancestors, my Celtic roots, from Killarney, Ireland to Aberdeen, Scotland. Maybe it’s the writer in me, finding inspiration in the melody of orchestrated raindrops or claps of thunder brightened with flashes of lightning.

Rain is what it is and I realize that it sours many an event. But we can make the most of it, should we choose to find the beauty in it.

For me, rain is solace. It is also inspirational, soothing, and downright pleasurable. Rain provokes feelings of peace and calm.

So tonight, as the rain falls if it’s falling where you are, sit back, close your eyes and listen. Let the sound wash over you. Let your body relax, your mind wander, and your soul release. Inhale the dew, exhale your worries. Be still every part of you.

We can hate rainy days, or find inspiration and comfort in between raindrops. I encourage you to choose the latter.

The ‘ber months – finally!

While many shed tears as summer fades into the sunset of shorter days and longer nights, there are others who welcome the change of season with glee and childlike excitement. Yes, that would be me!

Here in New England today, the humidity lifted and the skies were blue with just the right amount of white, fluffy clouds to paint a perfect sky scape. The sun was shining after a long summer of rain and swamp like temperatures with a slight breeze that let us know autumn is on our doorstep.

How grouchy I will be when the Indian summer says visit. How I will crave cool, crisp, clear evenings; the kind of night that evokes a small shiver. Those nights when the sky seems darker than ever and each and every star dots it’s blackness, twinkling and sparkling above us. Nights when the moon shines brighter, crickets and tree frogs are louder, and you can feel in you very soul the change of season – a time for transformation, even for us.

I recall when I was young, feeling as if the air was cleaner and more crisp in New Hampshire, the place I now call home. And I swear it is.

Bring on the ‘ber months, the most wonderful time of the year!

What’s your favorite season – and why? Leave a comment and let us know.

Put the blame where it belongs. It’s our own fault.

Disclaimer: There are countless decent, respectful, kind, and good people in this world. This post is not to be taken personally. We are humans, doing our best – but we can do better. Just saying. This doesn’t apply to all, yet it applies to many.

We need to step up and take action – as parents, grandparents, children, spouses, neighbors, friends, managers, and human beings.

We make excuses for bad behavior. We allow it, condone it, or ignore it.

We take the easy way out, saying that it’s just the way it is these days, and in doing so contribute to the problem by way of acceptance and passivity.

We say that there’s nothing we can do – but that’s not true. We have a choice – yet our decision fuels the decay of our society. Our decision spreads disrespect and bullying like a cancer. There is a lack of civility and tolerance.

We can shout from the rooftops diversity, equity, and inclusion but the reality is – people have become mean and ugly. There is no filter, no thought before using words as weapons, mass casualties as a result.

Continue reading “Put the blame where it belongs. It’s our own fault.”