Oh, I love a rainy night.

And I’m not talking about the song by Eddie Rabbit, though I do love that, too, and it brings back fond memories of someone who was once very dear to me.

I am talking about truly loving a rainy night, along with a rainy morning and rainy day – especially in the fall, when cool temperatures arrive and the kettle is on the boil, possibly with some whiskey in the tea.

Maybe I am a product of my ancestors, my Celtic roots, from Killarney, Ireland to Aberdeen, Scotland. Maybe it’s the writer in me, finding inspiration in the melody of orchestrated raindrops or claps of thunder brightened with flashes of lightning.

Rain is what it is and I realize that it sours many an event. But we can make the most of it, should we choose to find the beauty in it.

For me, rain is solace. It is also inspirational, soothing, and downright pleasurable. Rain provokes feelings of peace and calm.

So tonight, as the rain falls if it’s falling where you are, sit back, close your eyes and listen. Let the sound wash over you. Let your body relax, your mind wander, and your soul release. Inhale the dew, exhale your worries. Be still every part of you.

We can hate rainy days, or find inspiration and comfort in between raindrops. I encourage you to choose the latter.

Author: E.M. Murphy

A voracious writer, lifetime learner and eternal seeker who aims to open minds and hearts. Armed with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a NASM Certified Behavior Change Specialist, humanity and humor is at the heart of my writing, reminding us that the key to success will always start with a genuine concern for others while making sure to be true to our authentic selves.

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