The Poison of Partisan Politics.

No matter what political party you affiliate with, it should never stand in the way of you being a decent human being.

We can all have our opinions, beliefs, and perspectives. We can be pro-something or anti-anything, yet agree to disagree.

Continue reading “The Poison of Partisan Politics.”

Buddha, my BFF.

I’ll admit to not knowing what BFF stood for until recent years past, yet my tinybuddha(r) daily calendar is proving to be one of the best – and Buddha is one of my BFFs.

Who needs to read these words of wisdom today? Tania Yardley’s message is a powerful one. May we be reminded every day.

Here’s to enjoying and exploring what it means to be human – then love and experience as much as we can!

9/11: Never forget. Always remember.

It’s me again, watching every replay of September 11, 2001.

So many want to forget or repress the memories of that day, yet I hold fast to the belief that we need to remember every moment. We need to recall the shock, angst, and fear. We need to rekindle our patriotism, unity and strength.

Continue reading “9/11: Never forget. Always remember.”

I’m not only looking up. I’m seeing the light.

T.V. hardly had a place in my life for nearly 50 years.  Truth be told, I purchased it only because the entertainment center seemed to ‘require’ one and it would have looked rather odd without that empty space. A lame and possibly pathetic reason, I know, but an honest one.

Then came COVID.  My immersion into the world of television was an adventure, one in which I found some enormous value, therefore a constructive way to spend some time.  Reading and writing still take precedence, both my pastimes of choice, but I’ve expanded my horizons, so to speak. Continue reading “I’m not only looking up. I’m seeing the light.”

Some days are purely magical.

As my fingers struck the keys that crafted this title, in my head I could hear the grouches, the cynics and the naysayers.

Lately I’ve read articles penned by fellow writers bashing positivity, encouraging people to unleash their rage and letting them know that it’s absolutely acceptable to do that.

They pooh-pooh the silver lining, incite volatile emotions and invite others to practice anger.

I agree – believe me. Of course it is good to release those feelings and emotions.  It is healthy to find an outlet that is cathartic – if it is, indeed, cathartic.  Continue reading “Some days are purely magical.”

Quote of the day.

It may not be a quote, but it is a great directive from Be Amazing. So go about your day keeping this first in mind.

Before every word you speak and action you take, think to yourself, “Is this nice? Is it necessary? Is it kind?”

Being a nice person doesn’t mean you’re a pushover. Being a nice person doesn’t mean you don’t stand up for yourself and be assertive. It just asks you to think twice before you do.

We sometimes learn that not everything we think needs to be spoken and not everything that is understood needs to be said. Pick and choose your battles wisely. Your victory will be a more simple, peaceful and tranquil existence.

Happy Friday.