And just like that – it’s 2023!

Ah, the magic of New Year’s Eve, a day and night filled with hope, dreams, and good intentions. We make the time to look back, reflecting upon the past year and measure what went right, and what went wrong. We commit to ceasing our ‘bad’ habits on January 1st, then find ourselves sickened from the leftover Christmas cookies and candy by end of day, disgusted by our ‘lack’ of willpower.  Continue reading “And just like that – it’s 2023!”

Little Gifts, are the Biggest Gifts of All.

I’m not talking about a gift you can wrap, or something someone gives to you. These don’t cost money, and aren’t tangible.

I’m talking about the wonderful feeling that comes along with doing something special. The smile that lights your soul after the blood, sweat, and tears of hard work.

Many of you know that I sell dog (and cat) treats to raise money for veteran and first responder non-profits. My business is not-for-profit, financially funded by me with some family contributions as well. This includes ingredients, packaging, advertising, shipping, raffle items, etc.

There are moments when I ask: why?

Continue reading “Little Gifts, are the Biggest Gifts of All.”

Your daily thought, point to ponder and soulful reflection.

Daily thought: Don’t put off until tomorrow what you could do today.

Point to ponder: Procrastination is habitual for some, unheard of for others. We can find any excuse to put something off or avoid it altogether. Or we can look for every reason to make it happen. To which side of the scale do you tip?

Soulful reflection: Reality is, unless we are extreme Type A personalities, most of us fall somewhere in the middle, depending on the day. I think it is important to develop a strong relationship with ourselves, so we are attuned to our strengths and weaknesses, allowing us to live honestly and ensure we are holding ourselves accountable where it counts.

This past weekend found me with some less than pleasurable physical roadblocks that I could have easily given into. Living with autoimmune conditions can be debilitating at times, and some of us consider ourselves warriors – and others, sufferers. Fact is, we’re all warriors because it is not an easy plight and each person’s pain is different. It’s exhausting mentally, physically, and emotionally at times.

But I pushed through. I had things I wanted to get done and I wasn’t about to let anything get in my way. Family and friends sometimes give me a hard time when I do this, but I’ve learned to know the difference between when I need to give in or cut my losses, and when I can forge forward. And this week, I am beyond elated that I pushed through.

Sometimes our spirits need the lift that only overcoming obstacles through perseverance can deliver. Sometimes we need to prove that we are stronger than we may feel at times. And sometimes we don’t want to put off until tomorrow what can be done today.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring so if nothing else – make today count in every way you can.