A reminder for mental health awareness month.

Why is it people are afraid to talk about mental health?

We talk about our bad knees, high blood pressure and migraines. We complain about struggles with our kids, our work and our chaotic schedules.

But we struggle to say how sad we are, how confused we might be and that we wonder about our mood swings.

We fear sharing with others that we can’t cope, feel lost and might be on the verge of self-destruction or a breakdown of sorts.

Then we isolate, which can in turn exacerbate our issues instead of seeking the help we may need.

Anxiety. Depression. Bipolar. ADD. ADHD. Borderline personality disorder. Schizophrenia. Addiction. Phobias.

Some joke around, cruel as it may be, making light about someone being off his meds or being schizo. It’s no laughing matter – and these are labels that we use liberally when making fun of someone, yet shy away from when it could be real.

Let us rethink mental illness this month and be as willing to embrace someone with such health problems, just as we would someone needing treatment for another ailment – a physical ailment.

Let us not be afraid, but acknowledge. Let us not shy away from, but lean into.

People shouldn’t feel alone. They should feel accepted and safe so that they can seek the help they need.