Tip of the day.

If you want to lift your spirits, be aware of your thoughts.

Negative thinking can impact your attitude and how you relate to others. Find ways to feed your soul, nourish your spirit and stimulate your mind.

Approach matters with an open mind and the intent of listening to understand, not project.

Be curious. Don’t be so eager to push your views on others. Learn from them. Be confident in yourself and willing to discuss issues.

Find solutions. Don’t dwell on the problems, focus on solutions. If you dwell on problems, you risk getting stuck when in reality, most things can be managed and fixed. We may not like the outcome, but we can reach a place of acceptance that will allow us to move forward.

Stop trying to control everything. Man plans, God laughs. Have a plan, work toward that but realize that sometimes things just don’t go our way.

Be grateful. You woke up, put your feet in the floor and have the opportunity to make every day a good day.

Author: E.M. Murphy

A voracious writer, lifetime learner and eternal seeker who aims to open minds and hearts. Armed with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a NASM Certified Behavior Change Specialist, humanity and humor is at the heart of my writing, reminding us that the key to success will always start with a genuine concern for others while making sure to be true to our authentic selves.

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